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My Riverbeds: Solo Exhibition by Dina Baitasova

The exhibition “My Riverbeds” by Kazakhstani artist Dina Baitasova invites viewers on a deep and intimate journey through the labyrinths of the human soul. Through the prism of alchemy and mythology, Dina explores the theme of identity, spiritual quest and transformation.

In her works, Dina Baitasova creates a visual diary of her inner journey that began 15 years ago. The artist compares human life to the flow of a river: constant change, search for new shores and renewal.

The key elements of the exhibition are:


Alchemy: Dina compares the process of creating art to the alchemical process, where the artist, like an alchemist, mixes and transforms his inner experiences, striving to find his true self.

Mythology: Dina’s work is permeated with references to Kazakh, Greek and world mythology, which serve as a source of inspiration and symbols.

Nature: The landscapes of Kazakhstan and Greece visited by the artist have become an integral part of her creative process. Nature acts as a mirror of the soul and a source of strength.

The exhibition is conceptually divided into three stages corresponding to the alchemical process:

1. Nigredo (work in black) – symbolizes immersion in chaos and the beginning of an internal search. At this stage, works are presented where blue dominates, symbolizing immersion into the depths of the unconscious.

2. Albedo (work in white) – the stage of rebirth, finding a new perception of the world or a new “I”. Here are presented white plaster figures, symbolizing discarded old forms, purification and renewal.

3. Rubedo (work in red) is the final stage, symbolizing the fusion of the personal and the universal, the artist’s achievement of harmony with himself and the world. The works of this stage are made in red and are dedicated to the theme of femininity and the power of nature. Here, the central image is a mountain – a symbol of the Great Mother in Turkic mythology.

This exhibition reveals the long process of the artist’s inner work, and for the first time, Dina shares her works with a wide audience.

About the artist

Dina began this inner process 15 years ago while studying in Paris, where she faced the question of her otherness and origin. Inspired by the meaning of her last name “Bay-tas” (translated from Kazakh – “precious stone”), she created her own personal mythology, where the stone became a symbol of her creative searches.

The 2020 pandemic had a strong impact on her work, forcing her to rethink the roots and direction of her life. In 2021, Dina embarked on a pilgrimage to sacred sites in Kazakhstan, including Mangistau, Beket-Ata, and Shakpak-Ata, deepening her connection with the cultural and natural landscapes of her native country.

Her spiritual quest culminated in an art residency in Greece in 2022, where, surrounded by Byzantine icons and ancient mythology, she finally formed her artistic worldview. The exhibition presents her personal and creative process of transformation through the prism of alchemy – a metaphor for finding the true self.

Exhibition information:

• Dates: October 4-15

• Opening hours: 10:00-19:00

• Location: Almaty, Esentai city, st. Kapparov 408.

• Curator: Nargiz Magayeva, conceptual designer, founder and creative director of the Faenomen agency

For more detailed information and to arrange an interview, please contact: Katya Serebryanaya +7 701 744 6892

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